Adilar Argentina

In February 2018 I was diagnosed with lactose intolerance, with a very simple and quick test and from there I began to undergo a special diet. The following month I had a trip to Europe scheduled for a month and it was there that I began to treat myself with a safe diet free of dairy products that I obtained with ease and with a clear identification of the supermarket, rest, bars, organic gondolas. Upon returning to my country, Argentina, I found a market with little information about the conditions that justify an exclusion diet and few local alternatives that meet these needs. The transition took a while and also required the collaboration of all family members. This is how I started investigating, since I have a long medical history, how I could begin to modify it and make it known that there is a world without lactose.

By connecting with Adilac Spain, my interest arose in creating in my country Adilar, a place of reference to disclose to people suffering from lactose intolerance the identification of products, promote healthy eating habits and raise awareness in companies in the food industry , schools, universities, laboratories. , restaurants, bars, hotels and others, to the incorporation of the NO LACTOSE Seal, with the support of said association, in order to facilitate the visualization that supports said food category. The goal is to include and not exclude!

If you are lactose intolerant, a food company and want information, you can write to me and I will be happy to help you.

Liliana Maiolino(Buenos Aires)