Regulation and studies

  • 01

    • 30.09.15 AECOSAN Health security spanish agency
      Conditions for use of the phrases ‘Lactose-free’ and ‘Low in lactose’ in Spain Aecosan note
    • 27.02.15 Spanish Regulation
      126/2015 General regarding food information unpackaged food for consumer sale, collectivities, etc. RD126/215
    • 25.09.16 EU Delegated regulation
      127/2016 of the European P. and Council complementary R(UE) 609/2013 on composition of nursing formula and continuation UER 127/2016
    • 12.06.13 EU Regulation
      609/2013 of the European Parliament and Council regarding food destined for nursing infants and young children, special medical use, weight diets UER 609/2013
    • 25.10.11 EU Regulation
      1169/2011 of the European parliament and Council on food information provided to the consumer (RIAC) UER 1169/2011
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    • 05.07.11 Spanish Regulation
      17/2011 Law on Food Security and nutrition. Special measures aimed at the school environment (art. 40)  L17/2011


  • 03

    • 07.11.18 AEMPS · Spanish Agency for medicines and health products
      Newsletter 1/2018 Information on the excipients on labels, prospectus and technical sheet of the medicines for human use (page 38) CIR 1/2018
  • 04
    Scientific opinions

    • 12.01.11 EFSA · European Food Safety Authority
      Scientific opinion on the declaration of healthy properties in live yoghurt cultures and improvement in lactose digestion SO 2011
    • 10.09.10 EFSA · European Food Safety Authority
      Scientific opinion on the thresholds of lactose in lactose and galactosemia OC SO 2010
  • 05
    Scientific publications

    • 2017 Pooling in lactose intolerance
      Argüelles F, Casellas F.
      FEAD, ISBN: 978-84-617-6370-262/5000
      If you are a professional you can request this publication to Adilac
    • 2015 Management of lactose intolerance among primary care physicians and its correlation with that of digestive specialists: a national survey
      Argüelles F, Rodríguez P, Tenías JM, Otero M, Casellas F, Blay Cortés G, Lucendo A, Domínguez JL, Carballo F.
      SEPD-SEMG. Rev Esp Enferm Dig; 107:554-559.
      If you are a professional you can request this publication to Adilac
    • 2001 Relationship between lactose digestion, gastro­intestinal transit time and symptoms in lactose malabsorbers after dairy consumption.
      Labayen I., Forga L., González A., et al.
      Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2001; 15 (4): 543–549
      If you are a professional you can request this publication to Adilac
    • 1999 Lactose intolerance
      Vitoria JC
      Boletín Sociedad Vasco-Navarra Pediatría 1999: 33: 18-23.
      If you are a professional you can request this publication to Adilac
  • 06
    Academic studies

    • 2016 Final Degree Project University of Salamanca. Pharmacy faculty.
      “Lactose intolerance, problems and food”
      Paloma Blanco García, Pharmacy Graduate. ES2016
    • 2023 Final Degree Project University of the Basque Country. Pharmacy faculty.
      “Management of lactose and fructose in the allergen plan and technological alternatives for their elimination or substitution”
      Naiara Nicolás, Graduate in Food Science and Technology, ES 2023